David….why did you make the change from wrist to shoulder putting ——— 1 Iron Golf replied: Hi Lou, David uses this putter now, but suggests wrist putting as an alternative if you don’t have our putter. 🙂
Jermaine Connelly
Hi 1irongolf.com admin, You always provide helpful diagrams and illustrations.
Tim Hindenach
I have read where you wrist putt. Here in the video, you have changed to using your shoulders.
Just wondering, why the change?
Just got the club's for my wife and I and really like them. David's videos help a lot and we have been practicing at home and on the range and seeing good progress on our swings!
Just got the club's for my wife and I and really like them. David's videos help a lot and we have been practicing at home and on the range and seeing good progress on our swings!
David….why did you make the change from wrist to shoulder putting
1 Iron Golf replied:
Hi Lou, David uses this putter now, but suggests wrist putting as an alternative if you don’t have our putter. 🙂
Hi 1irongolf.com admin, You always provide helpful diagrams and illustrations.
I have read where you wrist putt. Here in the video, you have changed to using your shoulders.
Just wondering, why the change?
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